What’s Cooking?


We’re back!

Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Surf soccer summaries! After such a long break as 4 months, we’re g;ad to announce we’re going to be putting out content again!

But what’s new in the world of SOCCER?

Recent Headlines!

This Tuesday practice is off!

After a long, awesome tournament at College Station in Texas, the Surf 11B will be taking the day off; grab a pina colada and a sports magazine.

Odd “squidgames” sticky note gets passed around mid-practice

Breaking news: The case of the mysterious blue sticky note continues to baffle local observers. With no known origin or creator, this elusive scrap of paper has been spotted fluttering through the icy air during the last three practices—though, in a dramatic twist, it has only just disappeared. "Had it four times," says Will, "twice straight off the ground." By the end of practice, it vanished yet again, leaving us all wondering: Will it return next session, or has it gone for good? Stay tuned.

Two players return from injury!

Two players have officially returned from injury; Jack and Ethan. Jack, with his offensive passing abilities, showed potential from the beginning of this past season, only to shatter his HIP in a FOOTBALL GAME! OUCH! After a few days, ready to pick up where he left off

On the other hand, Ethan, our standout goalkeeper, has continued to recover. The team's defense just hasn't been the same without him, and we're all eager to see him back between the posts, blocking shots and commanding the field as only he can.

Surf Games Summaries. Copyright All rights reserved 2024 Mineplex Studios
Simon reserves rights to Python programming system
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